author Ana



  • Few people know how easy it is to quit smoking alone at home, quickly and painlessly. By applying our tips, you can quit smoking forever. It is necessary to stop, because a smoking wife and motherhood are incompatible, and a smoking father will not add health to the offspring.
    15 November 2023
  • The harm of nicotine to the human body. How to quickly and easily quit smoking at home: useful tips from psychologists, special tools and medications, training and hypnosis, traditional medicine and other ways to quit smoking.
    15 November 2020
  • How to quit smoking quickly and easily? Effective folk methods, methods of psychological influence, expert advice.
    26 August 2020
  • Quitting smoking is not easy and giving up a bad habit. However, there is a proven Allen Carr method that helps in quitting smoking.
    23 August 2020