It doesn’t matter when you started smoking and what the motivation was for it.
Many people start using cigarettes at school age because they believe they look cooler or so as not to be different from friends. Many start their careers as smokers in the military. They are all united by one thing - irreparable damage to health that you inflict on yourself.
There will be no lectures on the dangers of smoking, let’s take a closer look at some proven ways to combat smoking. I immediately draw your attention to the fact that it is practically impossible to make a person stop smoking, he will hide from you, but still smoke. It has to come to him, he himself has to realize that it is harmful and it is time to stop doing it. Yes, it is difficult, but possible! Let’s look at ways to quit smoking!

Ways to quit smoking
It is most effective to go to a narcotics treatment center with a doctor, however, as practice shows, few do. You just need to think about the reasons. . .
Many women go to gypsies, fortune tellers, psychics, to wean their husbands (sons) from quitting smoking! A waste of money and time. This is not going to make sense, trust me! You better start with decisive action.
Now the pharmacy sells a nicotine adhesive patch. Just attach the strap to your body and walk. It contains low doses of nicotine and there will be enough of it in the blood, so you will get rid of cigarettes that have hundreds of times more nicotine than in this patch. However, it works! Electronic cigarettes also work great. In addition, they are currently affordable.
There is another tried and tested old way, but it is also very effective - lollipops! Buy a pound of hard candy and suck it all day. First, it's delicious, and second, you'll get so carried away with them that you'll start forgetting about cigarettes. You will want more and more candy. Buy one variety today, another tomorrow so you don’t get bored. The method is very effective, see for yourself!
If you’re an honest person, argue with someone to quit smoking! But don’t cheat, don’t smoke behind the garage at night!
You can also resort to another tricky method. Every time, instead of buying a box of cigarettes, buy yourself a can of soda. And so every time. The price for them is about the same as for cigarettes. However, you will quickly enjoy these drinks and thus forget about smoking.