Today, one only needs to give up cigarettes, because in a few hours a person will notice what changes will start to happen to him. How to quit smoking is a topic that interests anyone who decides to deal with this addiction. And for good reason!
Emotions, thoughts, physiological state - everything will start to change when you stop smoking. It is an interesting and useful adventure worth its amazing results.
What happens when you give up nicotine, what is the body's reaction to such a cardinal decision? When to expect the first positive results if you completely and irrevocably quit smoking?
Thus, complete recovery of the body after parting with tobacco will occur no earlier than twelve months later. However, every day a person will notice certain improvements in his condition. During this period, the main task of those who have decided to quit smoking is not to change their goal, even when it will be difficult, and to support the body in all possible ways.
Review of improvements
Let's try to compile a kind of overview of improvement by day, month, which takes into account physiological changes in the body, emotional state, human reaction to what is happening.
The first day
Despite the bad dream, quitting smoking begins to feel pride in yourself, your desire to get rid of addiction. He still doesn't feel any obvious discomfort. Nothing seems to be happening, but it is actually noticeable:
- reduction of carbon monoxide in the blood;
- increased oxygen content in tissues.
Other day
So what happens the next day? This is the day when irritability is possible, however drowsiness is replaced by an increased rush of energy. The following are typical for smoking cessation:
- there is an improvement in lung function due to reduced mucus production;
- there are signs of nicotine "starvation";
- intestinal mucosal cells are regenerated;
- cough worsens;
- taste preferences change;
- decreased appetite;
- itchy skin appears.
Third day
A difficult period in terms of emotional state. Nervousness, panic, restless sleep, dizziness and discomfort in reading are proof of cleansing the body of toxins. Slight peeling of the skin is possible. However, after smoking for three days, it is noted:
- increased blood flow;
- reducing the need for nicotine at the cellular level.

Fourth day
The emotional state improves significantly. When a person does not smoke for four days, he is characterized by a positive mood, reduction of irritability and aggression. At the same time, the following are noticed:
- changes in the pancreas;
- decreased bronchial tone;
- swelling of the ears and fingers;
- cough;
- normalization of urination.
Fifth day
Dark mucus may be released when coughing. Intestinal tone is still in the normalization phase. Microtrauma of the tongue heals.
Sixth day
As the cigarette-free week draws to a close, a person who stops smoking may experience increased aggression, irritability, and decreased sleep. It must be remembered that with each passing day, new, positive changes will occur in the body. This period is characterized by increased secretion of mucus in the lower segments of the lungs. The eyelashes of the bronchi have already recovered, so the work of the respiratory system is starting to improve.
Seventh day
During this period, it can be clearly understood that smoking is nothing but a psychological addiction, a daily ritual that has no meaning, benefit or explanation. However, on the seventh day:
- the body has completely recovered to work without the presence of nicotine;
- the full recovery process began;
- the formation of new cells in the gastrointestinal tract has begun;
- there is a stool injury;
- nausea from fatty foods is possible.
Another week
After the second week, the emotional state is still unstable, but irritability and depression seem much less. There is a desire to do something and to be distracted, if suddenly a desire for a cigarette prevails.
To add bright colors these days, you can find a new hobby for yourself, playing sports. It is better to temporarily protect yourself from communicating with ex-smokers. Aversion to tobacco smoke may also occur during this period.
Doctors warmly recommend visiting an ENT during this period and performing fluorography to rule out pathological processes in the lungs. At the same time:
- taste and smell receptors are activated;
- there is an increase in appetite, new taste sensations appear;
- with improper diet, weight gain is possible;
- the condition of the gastric mucosa is normalized;
- the immune system is restored.
Another decade
The period is characterized by:
- normalization of small vessel tone;
- improving metabolism;
- restoration of intestinal functions;
- change in complexion due to active renewal of skin cells;
- the nervous system is still in the recovery phase.

The first month
After the first month of quitting smoking, the body will begin to truly recover. The cells are regenerating.
Another month
Noticeable improvement in complexion due to complete cell renewal will delight women who have decided to quit smoking. The lungs have not yet fully recovered. Coughing may interfere with mucus secretion and phlegm.
The third month
During this period, the blood vessels regenerate. Smoking addiction is almost forgotten. Headache, dizziness and sudden changes in blood pressure disappear. Sleep and appetite are normalized.
Fourth month
The complexion improved, and at the same time the redness and peeling disappeared. The work of all internal organs is stabilized. Food is well absorbed, the intestines work stably. Weight is normal. If you adhere to a proper diet and perform physical activities systematically, the weight gained (if any! ) Will disappear.
Fifth month
Only at this moment, the liver cells are approaching the full recovery period, when their intensive renewal is noticeable. Lung tissue is normalized. It is worth signing up for your favorite type of workout and start actively pursuing your health. Swimming, cycling and the gym are great. Running and strength training is best done after a few months.
Sixth month
It's been a full six months. The blood is fully functional. Complete cell renewal is observed. The liver is more efficient. Some may notice ease of breathing. Quitting smoking is no longer a desire.
Seventh month
After seven months of quitting smoking, the former addict begins to notice differences in subtle aromas. This applies to both food and cosmetics. All receptors are practically renewed.
Eighth month
After eight months without nicotine, the production of mucus is practically not noticed when coughing. This can be felt by smokers with twenty years of experience! The cough itself is less and less annoying. In the presence of chronic diseases that have managed to turn into an acute form due to smoking, improvements can be noticed. If monitored systematically by a doctor, no complications will occur.

Ninth and tenth month
Many may notice the appearance of dreams in which they smoke. After waking up, it is better to immediately understand that this is a game of imagination and tell everyone about his "crime" so that it would not happen. Despite our humorous approach, it can actually seriously damage the psychological state. the safest way is to realize that the problem is in the head, that all the pleasant moments with which the cigarette is associated are an illusion, while the harm from it is real.
Eleventh month
After 11 months without tobacco, the lungs are ready to cope with any stress. The body no longer experiences nicotine cravings.
Twelve months
Now it is worth getting the right reward in the form of risk reduction:
- heart attack - by 50%;
- stroke - by 30%;
- lung and liver cancer - by 80-90%;
- lip cancer - 100%.
Great breath, white and healthy teeth, a beautiful and fresh complexion, praise and general respect for others - all this, after a little effort, is received by a person who has given up nicotine.
What is the best way to stop it?
Now that the benefits of quitting cigarettes and the dire consequences of smoking are clear, other very important issues come to the fore. How to quit smoking and not crash? When is the best time to start giving up? Should you use e-cigarette patches, pills or nicotine?
All right. First, smoking has worked well on your outlook on life. It seems to many that only when they have a cigarette in their hands can they rest, make the right decision, read a magazine and relax. This is basically wrong! It just says you are psychologically addicted to smoking. How to deal with this attachment? Very simple! We need to understand that everything positive that a cigarette brings is an illusion.
All these aspects are explained most clearly and most clearly in his books by the famous Allen Carr. With the help of his method, millions of people around the world have stopped smoking. At the same time, they did not need harmful replacements such as patches or tablets. If you think about it, all these drugs still deliver nicotine to the body, which in turn continues to destroy health.
Today, A. Carr's method called "Easy way to quit smoking" is available in three formats:
- thoughtful reading of a book is the easiest and most accessible way, which, however, requires the most independent work. The original release was called Easy Way to Quit Smoking, and the latest - improved - Stop smoking now without gaining weight. He improved the translation. layout and presentation of materials. On average, the efficiency of the book is 90%;
- a video course is a convenient way to attend an authoring course from anywhere with an Internet connection. The information from the video course is easier to adopt than from the book, moreover, it is supplemented, however, you cannot ask the coach questions and get feedback;
- Seven-hour training is the most effective format for conducting the course, including live communication with the trainer. You will not only be able to attend the course, but also ask questions that interest you, share your fears, and get appropriate feedback. And if as a result you don’t quit smoking, you’ll have two boost sessions with a single case study. Therefore, the efficiency of live training reaches 97%.
The main thing is that you want to quit smoking and choose the right method. And the result will not wait long! You will take a deep breath again, you will find freedom, self-confidence and control over your life.